Saturday 3 June 2017

PIP TAYLOR shares, How to make the most out of your cardio workout

Pip Taylor,  professional triathlete and Saucony Ambassador, describes running as a wholesome full-body workout. 

Going for a run gets the blood pumping, increases cardiovascular fitness, tones you up while also burning a hell of a lot of calories. Long distance running can have extremely positive benefits on your body including improved mood and sleep patterns, while also strengthening your bones and muscles. 
Regular runners are proven to live three years longer than non-runners, while engaging in just a few minutes of running a day can decrease the risk of heart disease significantly. 

Pip shares her top tips on how to make the most out of your cardio workouts to ensure you receive the whole list of benefits. 
1. Happy gut, happy runner – Improving your gut health is not only great for digestion but also during workouts. Eat lots of anti-inflammatory, real whole foods when fuelling during preparation and training. Be sure to pay attention to your personal recovery habits, include protein rich snacks and meals but also probiotics may help to keep everything running smoothly. 
2. Cut out the sugar – Thankfully there are many ways to fuel the body with essential energy without refined sugars and training fuels.  There are now some awesome options from bars, drinks and gels, packaged for convenience without being loaded with sugar.
3. Invest in some good shoes – I love Saucony because their technology puts your foot in a more balanced and comfortable position, allowing for a more powerful and natural running strideThe human foot and ankle contains 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments, so a good pair of shoes is crucial when running long distances.
4. Over or under watered – If you don’t hydrate correctly before your cardio, you are increasing your chances for dehydration. This is generally due to not drinking enough water to replenish water emitted through breathing and sweating – dehydration can compromise your performance. People generally think that guzzling down fluids is the answer, however too much water can be just as problematic.  
5. Failing to get sufficient rest – It is important to rest your muscles and get adequate sleep every night so your body can recover and replenish energy to be ready to perform again tomorrow. 

Pip Taylor is an accredited sports nutritionist and dietitian, professional triathlete, author, mother of two and ambassador for Saucony Australia.
Her sporting career spans over 15 years and includes multiple appearances at World Championships representing Australia, multiple World Cup and 70.3 wins, and podium places and victories in other major international triathlon races. 
In 2015, Pip published her first book, The Athlete’s Fix: a program for finding your best foods for health and performance. Pip has contributed to countless international publications and websites and provided nutrition communications and consult to companies within the nutrition, health and fitness industries.

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